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Ultimate progressions: Upper body presses

March 20, 2011

Here is a very long list of upper body pushing exercises. Most requirements to these exercises are contained earlier in the list. Some aren’t in it, but they will be discussed on the video tutorials when they’ll come out. Exercises will be linked to their videos in the meantime, so you’ll be able to simply consult the list, and click on the exercises you don’t know to see tutorials on them. Hope you find these resources useful, and if you have questions, please send me an e-mail!

Push-ups on your knees with hands higher
Push-ups on your knees
Push-ups on your knees with knees higher
Push-ups with hands higher
Headstand (with hands, as a preparation to handstand)
Handstand (start practicing right there, cause it takes time to get good at it)
Push-ups with feet higher
Planche leans
Pseudo push-ups
Tucked planche (start working in before you need it!)
Dips in l-sit
Tucked planche push-ups
Elbow lever
Tucked press to handstand with bent arms
Straddle press to handstand starting with feet higher than hands
Tucked press to handstand with straight arms
One arm push-ups with hand higher
Tucked press to handstand with straight arms
Straddle press to handstand on flat ground
One arm push-ups
Straddle press to handstand from l-sit position (with your hands on something higher, like parallel bars)
Handstand push-ups at head level
Pike press to handstand from l-sit position (with your hands on something higher)
One arm and one foot push-ups
One arm push-ups with feet higher
One arm and one foot push-ups with foot higher
One arm elbow lever
Straddle planche
Elbow lever press to handstand
Handstand push-ups at full range of motion
Tiger bents
Straddle planche push-ups
Handstand challenges (at this point, you should be doing LOTS of handstand challenges to improve your balance and your form)
Assisted one arm dips (depending the level of assistance, it can be easier or harder)
Regulation perfect one arm push-ups with hand higher
90 degree push-ups
Planche push-ups
Planche press to handstand (with straight arms)
One arm straddle press to handstand
One arm pike press to handstand
Regulation perfect one arm push-ups
One arm dips (on a bar, try to go lower at every try)
One arm muscle-up
One arm straddle elbow lever to one arm handstand press up
One arm straddle planche
One arm planche (because of counterbalance, it might be slightly easier than the full range of motion one arm handstand push-up)
One arm handstand push-ups
One arm elbow lever to one arm handstand press ups
One arm 90 degree push-ups
One arm planche push-ups
One arm planche press to handstand (with straight arm)

One Comment leave one →
  1. May 6, 2011 4:22 pm

    Thank you for this excellent progression. I’ve just started on the Psuedo Push ups today and they feel great! I saw one of your posters up in the main street area in Vancouver–will you be doing any handstand seminars anytime soon?

    I’m working on my ACSM Trainer Cert. and I’m quite proficient in kettlebells. If you’re ever interested in trading some tips, let me know.

    Thanks again for the awesome list.


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